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The Ultimate Candle Care Guide

The Ultimate Candle Care Guide

| Jennifer Hardaway

Why is candle care important?

Candles have been used for centuries to create ambiance, add fragrance, and even for religious and ceremonial purposes. However, many people overlook the importance of proper candle care, which not only ensures a safer burn but also extends the life of your favorite candles.

How can you prevent tunneling?

Tunneling is a common issue that occurs when a candle burns straight down the middle, leaving a thick wall of wax on the sides. To prevent tunneling, it's crucial to allow the candle to burn for a sufficient amount of time during the first lighting. For every inch in diameter, a candle should burn for at least one hour. This allows the entire top layer of wax to melt evenly, preventing tunneling and maximizing the candle's burn time. Occasionally you might purchase a candle from a smaller maker and it's tunneling is quite bad. The reason for this is that the wick might be too small for the vessel size. To aid this, take some tin foil and surround the wick with it on the edges of the candle. That way you can generate heat to the outer edges of the candle. If it doesn't work? Tell the candle make what's happening. I bet they'll replace it!

What is the ideal wick length?

The length of the wick plays a significant role in the candle's performance. A wick that is too short can cause the flame to drown in the wax, leading to poor burning and excessive sooting. On the other hand, a wick that is too long can create a large flame, increasing the risk of accidents. The ideal wick length is typically around ¼ inch. Trimming the wick before each use ensures a controlled and clean burn.

How can you prevent soot buildup?

Soot buildup is not only unsightly but can also affect the air quality in your home. To prevent excessive soot, it's essential to keep the wick trimmed to the recommended length (1/4"). Additionally, avoid placing candles in drafty areas, as this can cause the flame to flicker and produce more soot. Regularly cleaning the candle's container or holder can also help prevent soot buildup.

What is the best way to extinguish a candle?

Blowing out a candle may seem like the most convenient way to extinguish it, but it can create a mess and even cause hot wax to splatter. The best way to extinguish a candle is by using a candle snuffer or a metal spoon to gently press the wick into the melted wax. This method eliminates the risk of blowing hot wax around and helps to preserve the candle's scent. Or, if the candle comes with a lid, you can put the lid on and there will be no more oxygen for the candle to burn.

How can you store candles properly?

Proper storage is crucial to maintain the quality of your candles. Keep them away from direct sunlight and heat sources, as this can cause the wax to soften or melt. Store candles in a cool, dry place, and ensure they are stored upright to prevent warping or bending. If you have scented candles, store them in airtight containers to preserve their fragrance.

By following these simple candle care tips, you can enjoy a safer and longer-lasting burn, making the most out of your favorite candles. Remember, a little care goes a long way in enhancing your candle experience.

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